Increase Outbound
Email Engagement

Today's B2B buyers want to self-learn, on their own time. And they don't want to be hounded with emails, calls, or demo requests.

Haggle is a new call-to-action that allows buyers to request personalized demo videos anonymously, before they are ready to respond.

We call it: ✨ Pre-Demo

How Haggle Works

Add the Pre-Demo CTA to your outbound emails

Prospective buyer fills out the Haggle form anonymously

Receive their questions and record a personalized video

Get started today
100% free, 30 seconds to install

Build trust with your prospects, before they are ready to demo.

Having trouble getting responses on your cold sales emails? We were too. We know prospects hesitate to agree to a phone call before they are sure you are the right fit- that's why we created Haggle.

Haggle lets you provide more information to interested buyers without the commitment of a demo, answering personalized questions, showing what you can do for them, and building trust.

Pre-Demo = Your New Lead Source

"Pre-demo" leads are buyers who are not ready to demo but want to ask questions and request video demos anonymously.

Capture leads that would have otherwise been lost
Let undecided prospects anonymously connect with you for personalized demo videos and answers, before they are ready for a phone call.

Increase speed-to-close with more serious demo calls
Your SDRs and AEs will only get demo requests from Buyers who already have you on the short list.

Improve brand experience
Stand out from the competition by letting buyers research and make decisions on their own.

Get better account-based marketing (ABM) data
Haggle shows you which companies are interestd in your solution, helping you build targeted ABM straetgies and campaigns.

Get started today
100% free, 30 seconds to install

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Engage With Buyers Who Aren't Ready to Talk

Haggle lets you nurture interested buyers who want to ask questions and request sales materials, but are not ready to demo. When you let buyers get the information they need on their own terms, beautiful things happen.

Build Trust with Buyers

Haggle shows you the prospect's company name and department, but not their name or email address. You can provide the information buyers need without spamming their inbox, facilitating engagement without pressure.

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New  UI Graphics  for Website (9).png

Chat Directly with Buyers

Haggle lets you chat with buyers and answer questions instantly. No more long e-mail chains to respond to simple questions.

Add the Pre-Demo call-to-action to your outbound emails today.

Get started today
100% free, 30 seconds to install

Get started in minutes. 100% free.

Register and receive your custom Haggle Pre-Demo link

Sign up is free for software vendors.

Add Haggle Pre-Demo link to your emails

Let buyers request pre-demo videos, before they commit to a call.

Nurture pre-demo leads

Upload personalized video demo to Haggle and chat directly with buyers.

100% Free. 30 Seconds to Install

Accelerate your pipeline. Improve your conversions. Reduce go-to-market waste.

Capture the leads you are currently losing by offering more than just a phone call or live demo.
Use Haggle to demonstrate personalized solutions, before prospects are ready to talk.