B2B buyers' preferences have changed, but the software sales call to action has not. Haggle's "Get Information" CTA allows buyers who are learning about your product, but not ready to demo, an alternative to 'Request Demo'.
Capture the leads you’re currently losing. Offer more than “Request a Demo”. Instead, use Haggle to nurture prospects who are interested, but who are still in the pre-buying research and discovery phase.
And only 25% of buyers consult sales reps at all. Instead, the new wave of B2B buyers prefers to do all their research, on their own time. With their own trusted sources. Without being harassed by a sales team.
This means wasted ad dollars spent driving people to your website that don't convert: Lost leads. Fewer customers. And less revenue.
When your prospects are forced to form fill, your sales team feels the pain.
From low meeting attendance rates to never-ending sales cycles, your team feels the pain of low quality prospects who are just looking for information and at the start of their buyer journey.
Vendors know what company and department is interested in your product, but not a specific contact person.
Website visitors can create semi-anonymous profiles, so vendors can deliver value to their prospects, before they are ready to demo.
Anonymity doesn’t mean not knowing the company information. It means not having contact information, until the buyer is ready to demo or buy.
Customize your CTA and add the Haggle button to your website, in 30 seconds.
Anonymity creates trust with your prospects. Pre-sell prospects by letting interested buyers ask questions and request sales materials, anonymously. And when you let buyers get the information they need, on their terms, beautiful things can happen.
Majority of our prospective buyers are millennials, who can't be bothered with a demo. Allowing them to stay anonymous and selling to them on their terms has allowed us to close more deals.
Instead of spending time on demos that don’t convert, your team can engage with buyers asynchronously. When a Haggle lead is ready to buy, they’ll reach out and already be pre-sold, Sales Qualified Leads.
By allowing the prospect to stay anonymous, you build trust by letting them do the discovery and evaluation on their terms. You’ll still know which companies are interested in your product.
We’re salespeople, too. And we understand that part of sales is to follow up with potential leads. But anonymity creates trust. And a lack of seller trust is the #1 complaint from buyers. Letting buyers request information anonymously has a lot of benefits:
Rather than spending my time on demos that don't convert, I can engage with buyers asynchronously, on their terms. My time spent on demos is focused on closing deals.
Haggle lets you find hidden gold in the traffic that would otherwise be lost. Give Haggle a test run by requesting information from us, anonymously. Click the button below to make a free account and see what your prospects will see.