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What is a Pre-Demo?

"Pre-Demo" is the stage before the Demo, when buyers are still in the research phase and not ready to talk to sales.
Buyers make the majority of their buying decisions in this research phase.

Haggle is a Pre-Demo sales platform that allows buyers to ask questions anonymously and sales teams to respond with personalized video demos.

By offering Pre-Demo, sellers can influence buyers who have specific questions, but are not ready to speak to sales and don't want to provide their email.

How Does Haggle Work?

Haggle is easy to use and takes less than 2 minutes to install.

  1. Install the Pre-Demo call-to-action on your website or add to your outbound emails
  2. Prospective buyers ask questions anonymously using the Haggle form
  3. Receive their questions and record a personalized video
  4. Chat directly with buyers on the Haggle platform

Installing Pre-Demo Call-To-Action on Website (Inbound Sales)

  1. Insert new button on website
  2. Change button text to read "Pre-Demo [YOUR COMPANY NAME]
  3. Navigate to the Haggle platform
  4. Click on the Embed Button Page on the Haggle Platform
  5. Copy your custom Pre-Demo call-to-action (CTA) link
  6. Add your Pre-Demo CTA link as the destination for your new button
  7. Add supporting text to describe the Pre-Demo CTA for prospective buyers. See the Describing Haggle to Prospective Buyers section for inspiration.

Adding Pre-Demo Call-To-Action to Emails (Outbound Sales)

  1. Draft your email to your prospective software sales buyer
  2. Include in your email a call-to-action (CTA) to "Pre-Demo"- giving buyers the option to pre-screen your company before they are ready to demo.
  3. Navigate to the Haggle platform
  4. Click on the Embed Button Page on the Haggle Platform
  5. Copy your custom Pre-Demo call-to-action link
  6. Hyperlink your custom link to the Pre-Demo CTA text in your email
  7. Add supporting text to describe the Pre-Demo CTA for prospective buyers. See the Describing Haggle to Prospective Buyers section for inspiration.

Describing Haggle to Prospective Buyers

The Pre-Demo call-to-action is a new for many of your buyers. Here are some ideas for how you can describe Haggle on your website or in emails to help them understand.

  • "Not ready to demo, but want to learn more? Request a Pre-Demo video from us. 100% anonymous. No email."
  • "Anonymously Register Your Interest. You can ask us questions about [COMPANY NAME] or request a demo video by clicking the button below. No email or sign up required."
  • "Have questions for us, but not ready to demo? Request a Pre-Demo video from us. We will never ask for your email."
  • "Interested, but want to continue to research on your own? Request a Pre-Demo and anonymously request a video demo. No email spam, we promise."

Video Response Guidelines

What sales teams receive from the buyer in the Pre-Demo request

  • Company Name and Department
  • Personalized questions buyer wants answered
  • Requested video length

What to include in your response

  • Answer all their questions, and add additional context you think would be helpful based on their industry/company/Department
  • Keep video within the requested length
  • Personalization is key! Buyers use Haggle because they want personalized insights, not generic, pre-canned answers. No two Pre-Demo responses should be alike. Spend the time to research the company and tailor your response to their needs, increasing your chances of moving the prospective buyer to a live demo.

Assigning a Sales Rep to a Pre-Demo Request

Adding New Users

When the first user of a company creates a Haggle login, that creates the master Haggle account for the company.

  1. Any user can go to the Register link and sign in. All accounts are associated to the same domain. So as long as the user as the same domain they will have access to your account.
    Register For Haggle

Platform Notifications

The Haggle platform will send notifications to your email when the following actions occur:

  • Invited to join the Haggle platform
  • Submit a Pre-Demo request
  • Receive a new Pre-Demo request
  • Receive a response to Pre-Demo request
  • Receive a Demo request
  • Receive a new message on the Haggle platform

Still Have Questions?

Contact the Haggle Team at