Never sit on six phone calls just to get a price quote again. Haggle lets you anonymously ask questions from vendors, so you can get what you need while you’re researching new software tools.
Tired of endless demos and sales pitches, when all you want to do is confirm if a product meets your needs?
Haggle’s here to help!
From searching to pricing information to searching for certifications or system integrations, buying B2B software today often involves uncomfortable (and unnecessary) sales conversations.
Shortlisting different software vendors should be easy, especially when you’re doing all the research up front. And with Haggle, it finally is. You can get answers to your specific requirements fast, and streamline your research and vetting process, all in the same app.
Get everything you need to build your internal case, without sitting on a cookie-cutter demo call.
Create a semi-anonymous profile that protects your personal details, but lets vendors see your company name and department. Then, use Haggle to manage your software buying process.
Vendors can see your company name and department, but not your name, email or job title. They’ll have just enough information to give you the details you need, but won’t blow up your inbox with sales emails.
Chat with sales reps who can respond to your pitches in a few hours with the brochures, video walkthroughs, pricing information, and other documentation that you requested. You won’t have to bounce emails back and forth just to schedule a demo.
Do all of your discussing and evaluating with colleagues, directly in the Haggle app. You won’t lose track of who said what over Zoom, Slack, email, or just while standing around the coffee machine.
“I like to do as much research as possible by myself when looking for new software tools. Haggle makes it easy to get the information that sellers don’t put on their websites.”
“I spent so much time trying to coordinate demos with sales reps, and was tired of these lengthy Haggle lets me give them the information they need to create a ballpark quote, but means I don’t have to spend time on unnecessary calls.”
Say hello to a streamlined software buying process. Click the button below to request a pitch from us and see how it works, or set up your free account today.